We offer professional training in Eyelash extensions. With our educator qualified in various techniques and training we offer Classic basic eyelash extension and Russian volume training.
The owner Elizna Tripkovic has 17 years experience and has done training with some of the most popular names in the business like Elena Stakhovic, Lucious Lashes, Extreme Lashes, she joined Master classes and conferences all over Europe and in South Africa, was a speaker at the Belgrade conference and Lash Diamond conference in Macedonia in 2021 and been a judge for online competitions.
All training done with Elizna Tripkovic is accredited with Lashinc and recognised internationally.

- One Full day training from 08:00 -15:00
- 2/3 Hours on theory
- Practical training on a model
- Certificate of training completion
- Product knowledge
- Client consultation
- Correct lash selection
- Adhesion of the artificial lash to the natural lash
- The do’s and don’ts of the industry
- Sterilisation and sanitation
- Technique
- Removal of the lash extensions
- Lash Inc. accreditation if the training was completed with Elizna Tripkovic.
- Strong glue 5ml
- Glue remover 15ml
- 15ml iLash Primer
- 2 Tweezers for classic lashes extensions
- 4 Mixed tray lashes C and D-curl 0.15/0.20
- Foaming Lash Shampoo 50ml
- 25 Mascara brushes
- 20 Sterelised toothpicks
- Lash poster/li>
- Plastic face mask
- 25 Micro brushes
- 25 Micro swabs
- 5 Pairs under eye pads
- Silicon tape
- Medical tape
- Jade stone & 10 small stickers
- Golden Scissors
- Air Blower
- 5 Plastic glue rings
- Small white lash box
- Empty Kit Case
Models for training are provided by the student, if you cannot organize a model then please let us know so we can try and provide you with a model for practice.
Training material for the training is used from the started pack provided to the student. This is important especially for getting used to their tweezers from the start. At least 25 treatments can be done from the starter pack.
Please note we have a smaller started pack option should the student wish to choose that one.
Book your training!

This is a workshop that we offer in groups to already qualified lash artists that did their training with other lash companies and might want to get more information or just better themselves and their work with added practice and tips.
In this training we sit and share information and practice on alternative help objects.
After finishing this training you will receive a Lash inc accredited work shop completion certificate.
* No starter pack is included in this workshop. Students are asked to bring all their own lash products with them to this workshop.Book your training!

- Two Full days training from 08:00 – 15:00
- 3hrs on theory, 2 hours on fan practice
- Practical training on 2 models
- Certificate of training completion
- Product knowledge
- Client consultation and correct lash selection
- The do’s and don’ts of Volume lashes
- Blepharitis and other eye conditions
- Techniques for making Fans
- Mapping
- Lash inc accreditation if training was Completed
with Elizna Tripkovic
- Purple speed 5ml
- Glue remover 15ml
- iLash Primer 15ml
- 10 Micro brushes
- 10 Micro swabs
- 10 Mascara brushes
- 1 pair under eye pads
- 2 Tweezers for volume lash extension
- 2 Mixed tray lashes C or D curl 0.05/0.07
- Silicon tape
- Medical tape
- Foaming Lash Shampoo 50ml
- Jade stone & 10 small stickers
- Easy Fan Drop Dot
- Volume lash brush
- Golden Scissors
- 20 Sterilized toothpicks
- 10 Plastic divided glue rings
- Lash box
- Mini fan: re-chargable
- Mini nano mister
- iLash Poster
Models for training are provided by the student, if you cannot organize a model then please let the us know so we can try and provide you with a model for practice.
Training material is used from the student’s starter pack during training.
Please note we have a smaller started pack option should the student wish to choose that one.
Book your training!

This is a workshop that we offer in a group to already qualified lash artists that did their training with other lash companies and might want to get more information or just better themselves and their work with added practice and tips.
In this training we sit and share information and practice on alternative help objects.
After finishing this training you will receive a Lash inc accredited work shop completion certificate.
* No starter pack is included in this workshop. Students are asked to please join with their own lash products in this workshop.Book your training!

This is a new addition to our offer. We have two options available
OPTION 1 – R 7 000
OPTION 2 – R16 000
We offer the Lash inc accredited Trainers training.
This is also a 2 days training but you receive the Lash inc accreditation and become an international accredited Lash trainer that can gives training that is recognized all over the world.